What’s on Somerville Neighborhood News

On November 29, 2014, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

snn_11_26_14_webThis week in Somerville Neighborhood News, we bring you a story on Speeding on Lowell Street. Residents and city officials who gathered on Nov. 12 to discuss possible traffic calming and other improvements to safety on Lowell Street did not see eye to eye on the issue of cars speeding down the major cross street. Neighbors are especially worried because of the imminent opening of the Community Path and the eventual new Green Line station. Both would bring more bikers and pedestrians to the street.

After a serious car crash this May, the city painted a “chicane,” a wedge-shaped painting on the asphalt meant to encourage cars to zigzag, thus slowing traffic.
At the meeting, held in the Arthur D. Healey School cafeteria, Somerville Director of Transportation and Infrastructure Hayes Morrison said that data shows that average speed on Lowell Street has been below the 30 mph speed limit since the chicane was painted.

The speed limit for the street is 30 mph, but is 25 mph for the bridge going over the railroad tracks and Community Path.

You can watch this segment and others at www.somervilleneighborhoodnews.org.


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