The Somerville News Person of the Week – October 3

On October 3, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Somerville News Person of the Week, Eugene Leonard III.

Meet Eugene Leonard III, resident here in the ‘Ville, as well as self-employed and in business with his father. It’s “Gene” to his friends, and he’s got a lot going on here in Somerville. He is a very nice, kind hearted guy who is down to earth and genuine. He is originally from Winchester, but moved here to Somerville to help his father in his real estate business. Gene’s sort of like a handyman, a guy who knows how to do a little of everything. He likes collecting and talking about old records and the latest artists on the rise. To get back into what was common with everyone back in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, and find good prices on some real antique albums.

Gene is very close with his dad, helping out and working with him. He’s a good son and loyal to his family. When you talk to Gene he’s usually got something funny to say, is very good natured and very smart about a wide variety of things. We think Gene, who although is a young guy, has a great future ahead of him following in the footsteps of his dad, who is equally a nice guy. By the way, we hear he recently got unengaged and is very available, so if the young ladies out there see him in Union Square or around the city say “Hi” to him.   We think he makes a good candidate for The Somerville News Person of the Week this week, October 3, 2012. Have a great week, Gene, and we hope you enjoy the notoriety for yourself. You deserve it.


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