Somerville Community Growing Center upcoming events

On October 11, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Somerville Community Growing Center has finalized its community events for the fall season, which include music performances, yoga, a film screening and panel, garden workshops, and the annual events, The Gathering of the Fairies and Harvest Festival. The season culminates with several major fundraising events, October into December. The full slate of fall events, ending with our annual Winter Wreath Project, can be found here:

On Saturday, October 15, the Growing Center is host to a film screening and panel discussion of the movie Snow Money 7:00-9:00 pm. An intimate short film by Kristen Chin on how everyday people are impacted by climate change, with panel and discussion to follow, this free event is co-sponsored with filmmaker and Climate Coalition of Somerville. In addition, free yoga sessions, fall gardening workshops and live music are on offer this fall.

The Growing Center’s Harvest Festival, planned for Sunday, October 16, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (Rain Date Sunday, October 23), welcomes area residents young and old for a celebration of the culmination and fruits of the growing season. Art, music, social justice, and nature – all found in the lovely garden setting of the Growing Center. Celebrate autumn and the harvest season with nature art activities and live music. Enter a Harvest Raffle to take home one of a number of Somerville-grown gifts, such as local maple syrup, dried herbs, a fairy house kit, or hand decorated wreath. This event is free and open to all.

Harvest Festival, Sunday, October 16, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (Rain Date: Sunday, October 23)

Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave., Somerville, MA, This event is free and open to all.

The season culminates with two fundraisers: the Growing Center’s Seasonal Salvage Sale and Makers’ Market takes place on Saturday, October 22, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. An annual event pre-pandemic that raised funds for the Growing Center’s Annual Fund, the “Yard Sale” is morphing after a multi-year hiatus into a two-part shopping experience: a curated, seasonally-themed secondhand sale where 100% of the proceeds go to the Growing Center; and a new “Makers’ Market” filled with local craft vendors. And the Growing Center’s Annual Winter Wreath Project, the organization’s biggest fundraiser of the year, is a pre-order sale in October and November featuring volunteer-decorated evergreen wreaths, each with a homemade bow, adorned with locally sourced pinecones, delicate dried flowers, and ornamental peppers and berries.

The Somerville Community Growing Center is a quarter-acre, 28-year-old community garden space run primarily by volunteers; it is a space for gathering, learning, and celebrating. Its long history includes building local community through coordinating ecological and multicultural educational programs and events. The Friends of the Community Growing Center is the non-profit organization that oversees the Growing Center. The Friends seeks to educate and engage the full population of Somerville, with a focus on children and youth, to provide a welcoming space that fosters positive community interactions, engagement with nature and provides culturally enriching experiences.

Facebook: @somervillecommunitygrowingcenter

Instagram: @somervillegrowingcenter


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