Since December, the SFLC (with the invaluable support of two phenomenal volunteers), has provided over 260 emergency winter clothing packages to SPS students and younger siblings. Requests for emergency coats, footwear and warm clothing can be made through the school liaisons and the packages are delivered directly to schools for pick up. The efficiency of our system attracted the attention of Cradles to Crayons who, following a hands-on visit in January, are hoping to make recommendations to other communities based on Somerville’s operations.

Part of this pilot includes Cradles to Crayons helping to ensure the sustainability of Somerville’s program with a twice yearly delivery of seasonal clothes, as well as diapers for families in SFLC’s Parent Child+ and SomerBaby home visiting programs, and school supplies for newcomer families. We appreciate the support of great partners like Cradles to Crayons, and our outstanding volunteers.

— Somerville Public Schools



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