Our View of the Times – November 13

On November 13, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Once again the democratic process has run its course and those of us who chose to participate can rest assured that we have done our parts in having a say in who governs and guides our city as we head into the future.

We congratulate all who participated as candidates, not only those who were elected, but also those who missed achieving their victories. Everybody benefits when clearly diverse choices are presented to voters. Without that, the process could only be regarded as a hollow covenant. It takes a lot of courage and self-confidence to put oneself on the block in this way.

Candidates are exposed to withering scrutiny and criticism by those with opposing viewpoints. Miles of city streets are walked and hundreds of hands are shaken. Personal and intellectual acumen must be honed to a razor’s width, and when called upon for an answer there had better be one ready.

How many among us would really feel up to that challenge? And how many of that number would measure up in a credible fashion?

So if we’re feeling as if we’ve been exposed to quite enough political messaging and inundated with more choices than we’d prefer to deal with, then we can perhaps imagine the stress and endless effort these candidates and their supporters have just gone through.

And now it’s time for all of us to lighten up and enjoy the upcoming holiday season, with all its good cheer and well wishing.

No stress and effort, right? Well, we can at least imagine this is so.


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