Stop bullying

On October 17, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. From Patch: “Bullying affects more than one in five American students. It’s easy to dismiss that figure, saying ‘kids will be kids,’ but studies show that students who are bullied are at increased risk for anxiety, depression, poor self-image, mental and behavior health problems and poor performance in school.”

School bullying is horrible. The scars of childhood bullying stay with victims throughout their lives. I’ve written articles about the scary nuns that tortured many children in the 60’s in the name of the Lord, and the bullies that kids had to deal with growing up. Some public school teachers were also bullies.

I’ve written many words about juvenile bullying but there are other forms of bullying. We see it every day. There are bullies on the road. These are the dopes who don’t stop for stop signs, tailgate, ignore speed limits especially in residential areas, and don’t obey crosswalk rules. If you deliberately walk in front of cars basically playing chicken with motorists, you are a bully. The bicyclist that disobeys traffic laws and taunts motorists is a bully. The disgruntled grocery store customer service person who growls at a confused elderly customer is a bully. The person who verbally assaults a coffee shop worker for messing up their order is a big bully.

These bullies really tick me off. I’ve never been known for holding my tongue but last week I had to do everything in my power not to flip out on that abusive idiot in a local grocery store. My elderly friend was not treated like a valued customer or a senior citizen who deserved a little basic respect.

Bullying in the workplace? You betcha! Big time. I had a boss that was so out of control that he was actually spitting in my face while launching a verbal tirade at me. He’s lucky I didn’t go “all Somerville on his ass!” (I have phone numbers of some … friends that would have loved to come to my aid! Lol!) We had a few knock down dragged out yelling sessions that were epic. Believe it or not, I still have recurring nightmares of this creep. I wasn’t the only one he bullied. He terrorized other workers and his own family members too. But I’m not afraid of him anymore.

I had a boss who threw me under the bus so many times I felt like a bus mechanic. All I got were complaints for my work. I never got a single “atta boy!” All I can say is that life became a lot better when this little jerk was out of my life.

Most of the jobs I had in my life had a bully or two to deal with. It kind of stinks after an entire lifetime to finally be able to accept that I was not at fault.

It broke my heart when a family member recently told me that they were bullied while in public school. They never told an adult because they were afraid their parents would embarrass them and make the bullying worse. This is so sad. I was never afraid to stick up for my kids and I think it kind of made them hesitant to tell me things. My dad was the same way. No one messed with his family.

I love the fact that I don’t have to deal with workplace bullies anymore. I can sit in my recliner and thumb my nose at these idiots and believe me, I do! I love it!

But bullies are everywhere. Sometimes you can tell a bully by that smug, “I’m better than you” or “don’t even look at me” expression on their face. Sometimes the look says,

“I’m a nut, so don’t go there!” I try not to make eye contact with anyone anymore. Lots of bullying also goes on via Facebook. I’ve been off of most social networks for a while. I’m just trying to get from point A to point B without confrontation or drama.

There’s even one of my former bosses that makes crude comments on these stories using an ass-umed name. They’re not brave enough to use their real name. I can’t wait to see what they comment about this story. You can bet they won’t use their real name.

Often, in some cities and towns and even countries, bullies are voted into office.

It’s so sad to think that there is so much bullying going on around us. A child does not deserve it and neither does an adult. It’s just so senseless and mean. Karma may be slow, but I truly believe in it.

“The strongest people aren’t always the people who win, but the people who don’t give up when they lose.”


1 Response » to “Stop bullying”

  1. joseph sylva says:

    great article