Our View of the Times – August 21

On August 21, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The mayor is calling for the installation of a so-called “supervised consumption site” in the city, to help lower the instances of death and serious injuries to those who use hard drugs, such as opioids and other substances that are injected intravenously.

Basically, the idea is to provide a safe, clean place where users can inject their drugs under medical supervision and without fear of interference by law enforcement personnel.

Other civic leaders have brought the subject up in the past, but the high profile involvement of the mayor has brought the matter into sharper focus by the general public. The mayor’s apparent resolve to actually make this happen, rather than just give lip service to the idea, has also shed much light on the issue over the past week or so.

Whether or not the proposed facility is even feasible, considering the resistance being offered by state and federal drug enforcement agencies, remains to be seen. But the mayor also has a history of sticking to what he feels is best for the city in spite of pressure exerted from the outside, as evidenced by his commitment to the Sanctuary Cities movement.

There are so many unknowns and fine details to be considered in a matter such as this. Pitching an idea of this magnitude and consequence is one thing, while actually pulling it off is another.

All of us wish for an end to the misery and tragedy that opioid addiction has brought to our society. Perhaps the proposed measure would bring us a step or two closer to solving this troubling issue.

If nothing else, a facility such as the one proposed would bring some of this out of the shadows and into the light. Hopefully, a light that leads to healing and recovery.


2 Responses to “Our View of the Times – August 21”

  1. LindaS says:

    Maybe if there were services offered at these facilities to help drug users recover from their addictions, it would better serve the people. Just letting them have a place to go to feed their addictions isn’t necessarily the best solution.

  2. jim obrien says:

    build it and they will come. oh they will come alright