Letter to the Editor – April 25

On April 25, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers.)

Dear Somerville Times,

While federal legislators fight for a New Green Deal in 2020 or beyond, many Somerville residents have decided they just can’t wait. They’ve renovated their homes to save money on heat, converted fossil fuel heating systems to 100% renewable electric, reduced waste, live car-free and “de-paved” their yards to make their properties more resilient. Other residents want to be part of Somerville’s sustainable future, but they have questions about where to start or how to sustain the journey.

On April 28 they can get answers at the Somerville Sustainability Tour. Twenty Somervillens will open up their homes from 11am to 2pm and share how they are living more sustainably. They’ll share their real-world experiences and the unexpected challenges and joys on their sustainability journeys. The Sustainability Tour is self-guided; tour stops will be posted at http://bit.ly/SustyTour.

After the tour, there is a Bike Month Kick-off Event at Aeronaut Brewery starting at 1pm, with hundreds of cyclists, biking and sustainability advocates, bike businesses and neighbors coming together for a kid-friendly afternoon of activities, live music and a panel discussion about car-free cities.

I’m contributing to the Sustainability Tour as a host, sharing strategies for eating local and vegetarian, and drastically reducing household waste. I also have questions about other things I could be doing, like installing solar or an air-source heat pump to heat and cool my apartment. I want to hear the real experiences of other neighbors, not the marketing brochures, so I know whether it will be the right move for me. The Sustainability Tour is an unprecedented opportunity for residents — including me — to learn what a greener and more sustainable Somerville means for them.


Sam Musher


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