Powder House Blvd. Community Meeting

On February 25, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Mayor Joseph Curtatone, Ward 7 City Councilor Katjana Ballantyne, Somerville Police Chief David Fallon, and City staff invite you to a Powder House Blvd. Community Meeting on Tuesday, March 5. The meeting will include an update on the investigation into the February 8 fatal hit and run at Powder House Blvd. and Hardan Rd., as well as information about traffic calming measures on Powder House Blvd. Discussion will include information on the interim measures already in place, upcoming measures planned for the spring, a proposed plan for new permanent measures, and remaining options for community consideration. The meeting will start at 6 p.m. at the West Somerville Neighborhood School, 177 Powder House Blvd. 

Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact should contact Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or NSalamoun@somervillema.gov


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