Quick Fig Jam

On November 7, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


This past week I was lucky enough to find fresh Mission Figs on sale for $1.98 a pint. Knowing they needed to be used up quickly, I thought I would make up a quick jam that could be used as a topping for hamburgers, oatmeal, crostini, crackers and even grilled cheese sandwiches. The most common figs seen at farm stands in our area are the Mission, available summer through fall, and the Adriatic, referred to as green or white figs, typically available July through August.

Always taste the figs ahead of time to see the sweetness of the fruit prior to adding a sugar source to your figs. The green/white figs tend to be sweeter than the Mission Figs. The fig jam pairs well with Gorgonzola, Chèvre and Sharp Cheddar cheeses.

Be sure to include this jam on your charcuterie plate too. It is a great accompaniment to prosciutto and other salty meats. The jam will last for about a week in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

1 Pint Mission Figs, Quartered, Approximately 12 Figs
1/8 Cup Honey
1/8 Cup Port Wine
1/8 Teaspoon Fresh Ground Black Pepper
1/4 Teaspoon Rosemary Powder or 1/2 Sprig Fresh Rosemary
1/4 Lemon Juiced, About 1 Teaspoon
Pinch of Salt

Add all of the ingredients into a heavy bottomed saucepan. Blend all the ingredients over medium heat. Let it sit for a minute or two and stir, making sure nothing sticks to the sides or the bottom of the pan. Cook down for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly and until all the liquid is reabsorbed. The figs will break down, but still have texture. It’s done once the liquid turns into a thick syrup. Discard the rosemary sprig and transfer to a glass bowl and let cool for 15-20 minutes, cover then place into the refrigerator. Or use it right away.

Visit Dorothy’s website at http://ddimarzo2002.wix.


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