US2/USNC Community Benefits Agreement Negotiations Joint Statement

On September 6, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
In July, US2 and USNC began meeting to negotiate a community benefits agreement for the Union Square revitalization as contemplated in the Development Covenant between US2 and the City.  The parties recently issued the following joint statement:
On 31 July, representatives of US2 (the designated master developer for the Union Square revitalization) and the Union Square Neighborhood Council (USNC) began to hold regular weekly meetings. They do so as the designated and mutually recognized parties to negotiate a Community Benefits Agreement for the Union Square revitalization project. Both parties have been pleased by the collaborative tone of these initial meetings and have agreed to a set of ground rules to guide their deliberations and decision-making.  As the negotiation process continues, the parties will discuss the issues outlined in the USNC’s CBA Report dated, March 2018 (  Both parties look forward to sharing more information, through both joint and individual communiqués as the negotiations progress.

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