CHA physician provides insight on tick-borne diseases

On August 13, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Submitted by Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, DO
Medical Director of Infection Prevention, Cambridge Health Alliance, CHA Somerville Hospital

Summer outdoor activities provider for fun and exercise with friends and family as well as tick-borne diseases, unfortunately. The most common tick-borne illness regionally is Lyme disease. Since 2004, cases of Lyme disease have more than tripled nationwide. Massachusetts is among one of the 10 states with the highest number of cases reported in nearly every city and town. Now is a perfect moment to review the symptoms of Lyme disease and learn about prevention and treatment.


When you are spending time outside, walking, hiking or riding your bike, pay attention to heavily wooded or grassy areas for those are the spots where ticks are most commonly found. For folks enjoying outdoor activities, we recommend protective clothing, application of insect repellent containing DEET (products with 24% DEET are effective up to 5 hours) and daily tick checks. When you return home, wash clothing on high heat and take a hot shower if you believe that you had contact with ticks. Also, remember to give your animal a quick tick check because they tend to hide on pets too.

Lyme Disease Transmission and Illness

Lyme is spread by the black-legged deer tick. The longer the tick is attached to the skin, the greater chance of infection. The tick must be attached for more than 36 hours for infection to occur.

The incubation period ranges from 3-30 days and the most common finding is a ring-like rash. This may be accompanied by a headache, tiredness, fever, muscle pain and chills. If you or a loved one believe that you have been infected by a tick, please call your doctor’s office immediately.


Individuals treated with the correct antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover completely. Antibiotics typically used include amoxicillin, doxycycline and cefuroxime axetil. People with certain cardiac problems may need intravenous treatment with antibiotics.

If you are exploring options in health care, contact Cambridge Health Alliance by calling 617-665-1305 or visit


2 Responses to “CHA physician provides insight on tick-borne diseases”

  1. Genie Geronimo says:

    I’ve been so concerned about Lyme disease that I now shoot the deer that go on my property. The neighbors below me on the 6th floor complain about the noise, but they sure don’t mind not having deer bringing ticks into their units, I tell you. And you have me to thank for not having deer zipping across traffic on highland ave.

  2. ritepride says:

    Several years ago I had a small cut on my lower leg. We visited a friend’s home who had a dog. While there we were itching and checked our legs to find fleas from the friend’s dog..Later that week I ended up at the hospital ER. Ended up home for 8 weeks with my legs raised and having the visiting nurse come 3 times a week to change dressings, etc.

    I had a flea bite in one of the cuts that I had on my leg prior to visiting the friend. Now I make sure to wear high socks and pants and to keep
    flea/tick spray in car and spray our lower pant legs before we visit any
    home with animals. Be Cautious…Be wise. Being on your back for 8 weeks and running out of sick/vacation time is no fun.