COETF calls for diverse candidates, education

On July 4, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Clean and Open Elections Task Force made recommendation plans during one of its twice-monthly meetings, held on June 26.

By Shira Laucharoen

The Clean and Open Elections Task Force (COETF) met outside the Tufts Administration Building on June 26 to brainstorm recommendations for the city intended to enhance civic engagement. Ideas included generating more information on the campaign process, to attract a more diverse pool of candidates, and building on educational opportunities for young people.

The COETF made the suggestion of more broadly disseminating information about running for office, developing outreach and promotional materials to reach a wider spectrum of people. Members said that this recommendation is derived from the concept that every eligible voter should strongly consider him or herself a potential candidate. During the meeting, the team sought to address barriers that may inhibit individuals from running and considered that campaign funds might be contributed towards elder and child care.

Members discussed the recommendation of increasing political education for students in Somerville. While civics is integrated in the high school social studies curriculum, the COETF hopes to foster interest by expanding on opportunities available for young people. They considered creating summer internship programs in local government for high school students, as well as collaborating with organizations such as Teen Empowerment and The Welcome Project. The team also suggested that schools might sponsor mock elections, during which the city’s political candidates could make appearances and speak to the student bodies.

The COEFT was launched by Mayor Joseph Curtatone in 2017 with the intention of increasing participatory democracy. While Somerville voter turnout is higher than national averages, the United States is still considered to have some of the world’s lowest voter participation, among developed, democratic countries. The COETF supports clean and equitable elections by exploring public financing, early voting, and different forms of outreach, targeting root causes. Meetings are open to the public, and the next session will be held on July 24.


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