SHS CTE Vocational Senior Awards Banquet

On May 30, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
timesphoto's CTE Banquet album on Photobucket

~Photos by Bobbie Toner

The 2018 Somerville High School CTE Vocational Senior Awards Banquet took place on Monday, May 14, at the Somerville High School Field House.

CTE Director Leo G. DeSimone was the Master of Ceremonies and Congressman Michael Capuano was the guest speaker.

Somerville Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper presented the Outstanding Vocational Student of the Year Award to Metal Fabrication and Welding student, Sophia West. Congressman Capuano also presented West with the Home First Charitable Corporation Award.

Other scholarships awarded included The Salvatore Casparriello Scholarship Fund, The Guy Corricelli Scholarship Fund and the John J. Maher Scholarship Fund.

Additionally, the various school departments gave out awards. Director’s Awards were presented to Cody DiNatale (Automotive Technology); Emily Sabatino (Carpentry); Wendy Majano Guevara (Cosmetology); Carla DaSilva (Culinary Arts); Crisleydi Lebron (Dental Assisting); Qijin Chau (Drafting & Engineering); Alison Dolson (Early Education); Jose Alfaro Valdez (Electrical); Carlos DaSilva (Graphic Design & Visual Communications); Myana Civil (Health Careers); Christopher Fores Lopez (Information Support Services & Networking); Regina Maldonado (Marketing Education); and Ramon Fuentes (Metal Fabrication/Welding).
Achievement Awards were presented to Quincy Garcia (Advanced Manufacturing); Matthew Crowther (Automotive Technology); Steven Hawkins (Carpentry); Janelle Hamel (Cosmetology); Tyler Conley (Culinary Arts); Julie Grassi (Dental Assisting); Melina Pimentel (Drafting & Engineering); Cecilia Nunes (Early Education); Anibal Montoya Rodriguez (Electrical); Michael Downey (Graphic Design& Visual Communications); Lilly Kelley (Health Careers); Christian Salmeron (Information Support Services & Networking); Craig Resmini (Marketing Education); and Quency Bocage (Metal Fabrication/Welding).


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