Bluntly Speaking – September 7

On September 7, 2016, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Ross E. Blouin, Publisher The Somerville Times


Insanity: “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”…and here we are looking at another Primary Election this Thursday, September 8th. I saw Pat Jehlen out at the corner of Boston Ave. on the Medford Hillside with a bunch of her young minions from Tufts University and I thought back to the stark contrast she has made with our former State Senator, Charlie Shannon, may he rest in peace. Pat Jehlen couldn’t even be a coat holder for Charlie. The difference is so apparent, it is breathtaking. Senator Jehlen has been with us for 11 long years and she might be the darling of “the Chablis circuit” in Winchester, but she has not been our Senator here in Somerville. I offer the following numerical list of Senator Jehlen’s accomplishments over the past 11 years… -0-. That’s right folks, she has accomplished absolutely nothing for her constituents in Somerville. Oh sure she has made the perfunctory applications for City Charter changes, etc. but a clerk could have done that at a tenth of the cost. Pat, did you think we would not notice that you had skipped taking your per diems this election year, when you usually take them in other years.

It must be such a struggle and expense to get from here to the State House with your free MBTA pass. Pat, I have to say you have been very consistent in one area…you have NEVER voted for the tax free weekend much to the detriment of the elderly and poor, who you claim to represent. How about all those out-of-state campaign contributions from groups that we don’t even know exist? How many students from Tufts do you have registered to vote for you? Hey Pat…why was it you did not and could not stand up with the striking Market Basket workers…the same workers you pretend to represent? What a complete disgrace that was! And now you are asking for their vote?? Senator Jehlen’s political stand has never wavered from TAX AND SPEND…and we are now looking at the results…or should I say lack of results. The State promised Somerville a Green Line extension back when they built Route 93…almost 60 years ago. What did we get with Pat Jehlen…another delay and a 50 MILLION DOLLAR BILL for services yet to be rendered.

I can’t help but think that things would have been a lot different if Charlie Shannon were still alive. VOTE FOR LELAND CHEUNG…It could not possibly get any worse.


2 Responses to “Bluntly Speaking – September 7”

  1. ritepride says:

    A prime example of why we need to mandate TERM LIMITS! No more sitting at the public $$ trough setting up a pension and their political war chests, (which should be taken by the state upon their ceasing active office & turned over to the state general fund). Oh yeh! they wok on a few items for the constituents but the bulk of their effort is for their buddies (developers/lobbyists).

    Disgrace all the homes being taken by eminent domain. Why don’t they take land of these tax exempt organizations that no longer do the original business that the exemption was issued. All these churches that have no real parishioners but are making profit renting the property out.

    The church on our street last year had one funerl and on occasion the only function on Sunday was having a artists dinner that they all bought their own food and Oh yes, they made money as the company making the movie about the patriots day bombing had food trucks lined up with meals for the crew and table in the church for them to it & eat. Meanwhile the taxpayers get no break at all. the mayor is going to tax/fee them till he es all th property for his developer buddies/Tufts.

  2. Michael Grunko says:

    Sorry to break the news, but Pat Jehlen clobbered Mr. Cheung. In fact she got a higher percentage of the vote against the Times-endorsed challenger than what she usually gets when she runs unopposed.