Disorder in the court

On March 9, 2016, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

A disturbance at the Somerville District Court was reported to the Police Court Liaison on Wednesday morning of last week.

The officer was informed that an individual, later identified as Philip Decareau, of Medford, was presumably intoxicated and behaving in a loud and argumentative manner.

Other court officers had detained Decareau until the designated Police Department liaison arrived to investigate the incident.

The responding officer reported that he could detect the odor of an alcoholic beverage on Decareau’s breath and person.

The officer was informed that Decareau had been asked several times to leave the courthouse but refused to do so. At one point he had wandered into a restricted area where prisoners were transported to and from the building.

It was further stated that Decareau caused a disturbance at the public entrance, shouting profanities at individuals and interfering with the security screening process.

Decareau was escorted into a hallway area where his presence would be less disruptive to the functioning of the court, but he reportedly continued to behave in a loud and abusive manner towards those in the area.

The investigating officer learned from Decareau that he had business with the court scheduled for that day, but due to his impaired state it was decided that he should be placed under arrest for disorderly conduct and taken away.

He was subsequently transported to jail for booking.


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