Somerville urban agriculture tip: Consider yard/garden sharing

On March 31, 2014, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

sgarden sharingAcross the country, residents are thinking up inventive ways to garden in urban areas. Locally, Somerville residents have asked about the possibility of yard-sharing: the idea that those with access to land allow others to grow on it. Enter, My City Gardens. The brainchild of local residents, this online tool matches people who want to garden with people who have available yards that they want gardened.

Here’s how it works:

1. You sign up and identify what you are looking for.  For example, maybe to grow some vegetables in a plot in your neighborhood and share them with the owner of the yard. Or you could offer your yard space to someone if they mow your lawn or tend your flowers once a week. You could even do a seasonal trade: let someone garden in your yard in exchange for shoveling help in the winter.

2. Look at the other listings and see if someone matches with what you want and contact them via the site.

The Somerville Urban Agriculture Blog has all the details on how it works and a link to the site as well as great tips all season for urban gardeners.

The My City Gardens website is noted for informational purposes and the city, by providing the information, is not endorsing the organization. The website is not monitored by the city, and upon request, the providing of this information is available to all similarly situated organizations pursuant to the city’s written policy.


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