Our View of the Times – September 18

On September 18, 2013, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

powderhouse_viewWe’re sure by now that you know the paper has made another change in its relatively short but interesting 45 year history.

On January 16, 1968 The Somerville Times was started by a local Attorney. The attorney was a very popular guy here in Somerville. Back then, when politics was rough, not like today, there were many candidates for all the offices every year and he was one who was running for mayor himself.

Several years later with a name change to The Somerville News, Bob Publicover became the editor of the paper until the early 80’s when he became the publisher and made some more changes, both in content and in style. We believe changes are always good. The paper has grown from first being mailed to every household, then to every other week in the 80’s and 90’s. In 2003 it became a weekly.

Many changes were made, including several websites, blogs and content, so the paper would appeal to everyone across our city. We have always been a diverse community, from all walks of life.

Now comes another change. A new name, new ownership, but with the same people who have worked at the paper now for many years and are still going strong. Jim, Bobbie, Cam, Doug, Shelton, Jimmy, Donald, Bob, Elizabeth, Cathleen and Harry and the many others who in the past few years have helped to bring, what we believe, is a true local community paper, with only Somerville stories and Somerville happenings.

We are all proud of what we do to present Somerville’s leading newspaper a new face and we look forward to doing even more over the next several months and years. We hope you enjoy the ride and we are always open to new and positive things for the community of Somerville.

We love what we do and we love our city!


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