The View From Prospect Hill – April 11

On April 11, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Let’s face it, no matter how one may feel about specific policies and programs coming out of the mayor’s office, one has to give it up for the sheer energy and resolve exhibited by this very busy man.

Whether it be the day-to-day, nuts and bolts operation of city government and its infrastructure, or the larger visionary initiatives put forward such as the recent Mayor’s Fitness Challenge, hizzoner is all over the map tending to the city’s and its inhabitant’s business.

This is, of course, as it should be. Such a diverse and dynamic community requires a certain vitality and drive in its leadership in order to stay ahead of the challenges and special needs that arise on a daily basis. We can feel grateful that we have in office a person who is clearly up to the task and ready to take on whatever may come: good, bad, or indifferent.

It takes a special type of person to survive and thrive in the world of politics, be it national, regional, or local. Many would fall flat on their faces if they dared to try it, so we should be especially appreciative of those who can pull it off successfully, and with a little flair.

Mayor Curtatone is one such person. We commend him for his past accomplishments and future ambitions as we stand back in awe of his relentless drive and exuberance.

The man keeps going…and going…


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