Newstalk for August 20

On August 20, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

What’s happening to the PDSers? First it was the secret meetings and then we hear more and more that Queen Pat has been practically begging the Governor for her former babysitter and best progressive buddy John Buonomo’s seat – should John be removed from office. Now we hear that another PDSer who is well known in Ward 7 recently tore down a Bob Trane sign from her neighbors yard Рis this the beginning of the sign wars?


We also heard that one, maybe both, of the people recently arrested at Tufts for allegedly stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars were contributors to Prince Carl‚Äôs campaign, so on top of all those thousands of dollars of special interest monies he‚Äôs amassed over the past four years, what could this mean? We heard that one of Stickers Carl‚Äôs special interest groups did a poll in the district recently; we also heard that they didn‚Äôt like the results.         


That new ‚ÄúCondo Review Ordinance‚Äù that was rewritten and on its way to the Board of Aldermen again already smells bad. It seems that, according to sources, an employee of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board (lawyer/employee) was asked to sit on the committee and make recommendations. Apparently this gentleman used to live in Somerville for about 15 years as a TENANT and not even a property owner, of which he is said to have made the comment that his qualifications for being on the committee was just that – a former resident of Somerville and an employee of the board. How come none of the local active board members, who live here, work here, own businesses here and have vested interests in the community here weren‚Äôt asked to be on the board? We also heard that Princess Rebekah, herself a tenant, was heading the charge to bring back the ordinance for a vote.    Transparency is beautiful, isn‚Äôt it? Even the PDSers get caught doing what they claim the others are doing ‚Äì yet another example of the Progressives pushing their own agenda.


The Somerville Police Department is moving fast since the new Chief took over. Everyone at the Mayor’s Picnic was watching Officer James McNally maneuver around in his SPD issued Segway; some made comments that he looked like Robocop. Meanwhile, the SPD has added a K-9 Unit to the department, for the first time since the 1970’s РOfficer John Tam is going have the honors of being the new K-9 Officer, we wish him and his partner the best.


Sad to report that John Williams, after that long and successful brain surgery last week, took a turn for the worse and passed away. Seems while recuperating from the operation at the Cambridge Neville Manor, it is alleged that he sustained injuries to his head that no one could explain, and then was emergency transferred to a Boston hospital, where he later died. Our hearts and sympathies go out to John’s family.


You’d think with all the recent increases in fines and fees here in Somerville, the one fee that they need to get right is the recent rash of commercial signs on public poles throughout the city here Рadvertising that they “buy homes.” Seems every week it gets worse and worse from the same offenders, apparently the person or persons in charge of enforcing the ordinance don’t see the signs, but you do, don’t you? Who knows, if nothing is done, maybe it’s a new way to advertise your business for free, maybe we’ll see pizza shops and various other business advertisements secured to public poles? Who knows?


We hear that there is a welcome back of sorts for our own Publisher Emeritus Bob Publicover, who was recently asked to come back and host the “Mayor’s Report” on local Channel 16 – we’re very happy to hear the good news. Plus, its good to know that Bob, who just last year weighed a mere 82 pounds and looked like he was checking out, came back these few months later to a now whopping 137 pounds. His sense of humor and quick wit are back as well, probably one of the reasons he was asked to host again.


Popular Alderman in Ward 1 Bill Roche has gone and done it again, he’s managed to have the center median trees down in East Somerville lighted. For a lot of us who come from East Somerville originally, it’s a nice change to see the city pay attention in the East. Alderman Bill is just another of a long list of Aldermen that know what it is to be a good representative of the local businesses and families who live and make their living here.

Don’t abandon your animal Рthat wonderful and loving dog, cat, bird or lively lizard Рpeople who are losing their homes or apartments are too often just leaving loved pets behind because they just can’t afford them or the new place won’t allow them. Call the MSPCA, Angel Memorial Hospital or Animal Rescue League Рthey will come and get them for you, also don’t forget there is a fine if you get caught abandoning animals Р$250.


Fox 25 is all over Somerville recently; their popular news truck was once again seen at the Washington Street Bridge during one of last weeks flash flooding incidents. We’ve been mentioning the condition of the bridge now for a few months and still wondering what is going to be done about it.


The Somerville Homeless Coalition will hold their annual Golf Tourney on September 5 beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the Wayland County Club. There will be 18 holes of great golf, lunch and dinner, a reception, raffles and contests. For information and tickets call 617-623-6111 or visit – this is for a great cause.


On Saturday Sept. 6 at the Leo J. Martin Memorial Golf Course in Weston, is the annual ‚ÄúJohn T. Forcellese Memorial Fund 8th annual Golf Tournament.‚Äù This is another fantastic local event started by the popular Forcellese family here in Somerville to raise money for local scholarships – which has now, since it‚Äôs beginning, given over 50 awards. For more information on how you can help out, either call Peter at 617-543-8152 or email him at 


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