Would-be robber chased down by police

On October 19, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Somerville police officers were dispatched to Pennsylvania Avenue last Thursday night in response to a 911 call from a woman reporting that a man who tried to rob her at knifepoint two nights before had been spotted and was now being chased by her boyfriend, according to police.

The men were found near the intersection of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Avenues and the man being chased was ordered to stop and lay on the ground, but he instead made threatening gestures with a piece of white brick that he was carrying and continued to flee, police said.

The man who was chasing the suspect reportedly told police, “He is the guy who tried to assault my girlfriend.” After again ordering the suspect to stop the man turned and hurled the brick at an officer, at which time the officer drew his weapon and once again ordered the man to stop and get on the ground, according to police.

The man, later identified as Julio De Jesus, 32, eventually complied and went to the ground, but continued to struggle with and strike officers as they attempted to restrain him, police said.

De Jesus was eventually taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery on a police officer, and armed assault to rob.

After the arrest the female victim reportedly stated that De Jesus had been spotted by her and her boyfriend that evening and that she recognized him as the man who had attempted to rob her. A confrontation between De Jesus and her boyfriend ensued and the chase that followed caused her to call 911, according to police.


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