Weather permitting

On August 13, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

On The Silly Side by Jimmy Del Ponte

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

This article first ran in the July 1, 2009 edition of The Somerville News.

As I look at the 5-day forecast for Somerville online, it says scattered thunderstorms and showers. Don’t the powers that be know that Somerville’s Fourth of July celebration featuring the debut of the Sunsetters along with a lot of other great entertainment is slated for Thursday night? Don’t they know about the shopping cart vendors with all those lighted swords and spin around toys and illuminated teeth grilles? And what about all that fried dough? What have we done to deserve such crappy weather? What do I tell my anxious Sunsetters who are eager to perform as many numbers as Frank Senesi will allow us? Obviously we won’t be able to have any electrical equipment outdoors if there is a threat of rain. I am asking every citizen of Somerville to pray for sun! Mayor Joe has confidence that things will brighten up and the show will go on. I hope he is right.

As you read this, I am assembling the sound system and we will rehearse with it tonight in preparation for our debut.

And what about all of us working folk who are eagerly waiting our annual Fourth of July getaways? I don’t know about you, but I am a worrywart and I am getting antsy.

I want my steak tips, brewskies, buns, burgers and weenies. And the rain isn’t going to stop me. But geez…would a little sun be asking for too much?

I might as well use this space to talk about another summer program that is experiencing very low enrollment. Somerville Recreation is offering Project Star 2009 – a 6-week, 4 day a week theatre camp. The Cost is $25 per week, which includes lunch and a couple of field trips to see some local theatre presentations. Somerville teacher, star of Joey and Maria’s Wedding and theater aficionado extraordinaire Sophia Carafotes will be running the camp, along with myself. Venues will include the Winter Hill Community School, Somerville High School and other venues. It is our profound objective to bring theatre and music back to the youth of Somerville. If we get enough kids signed up, we will produce the original mini-musical “Back in the ‘Ville.” If we only get a few kids, we will still have a blast and perform a smaller show. We want to build on the Project Star idea in a time when funds are at an all time low. We cannot let the arts suffer at the hands of fiscal chaos. My Klass Klownz group had 10 kids and that show will be on city cable shortly. Next season’s lineup should be bigger and better.

So tell all the kids you know who are in grades 6 to 12 that a wonderful theatrical and music experience is waiting for them. Interested people can call Danielle at recreation at  617-625-6600 extension 2980, or e-mail me at

Meanwhile back to this weather – is the Lord punishing us?  I’ve been good, for the most part. I almost threw my back out installing 4  air conditioners the other day and we have only had to use them twice. I know the real summer weather is coming, but I am running out of patience. Thank God the kids couldn’t care less about the weather. The computers, PS3s, PSPs and all that other crap are indoors. All I know is that I will be heading up to my little trailer on the pond Friday morning. I don’t care if its raining or snowing or if locusts are invading – Moosie the Wonder dog and I are out of here. And mom’s going away too, so the boys have to come with me .We will take a day trip up to Old Orchard to check out the Palace Playland. Oh yeah, I forgot those two dirty words: “weather permitting.”

The city has a lot of wonderful activities planned for the summer. There is only one thing missing. Summer.

So lets all do those superstitious dances, rub the rabbit’s feet and do whatever else you have to do to try to appease Mother Nature. Maybe Father Time and Mother Nature can work out a deal. In the meantime, get out the galoshes, umbrellas and lets have as much fun as humanly possible! No Rain! No Rain! No Rain!


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