Somerville Police: Vacuum thief needed a ‘fix’

On July 15, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Employees at the Somerville Avenue Target store became suspicious of a customer while observing him on their security camera system last Sunday.

The man had reportedly entered the store and walked directly to the vacuum cleaner section where he placed two of the same model vacuums into his shopping carriage. Store personnel state that this particular type of vacuum is a commonly stolen item.

The man then proceeded towards the checkout area, but instead of stopping to pay for the items he continued towards the exit, where he was stopped by store employees and escorted to the Loss Prevention office, according to reports.

Police were called in and upon questioning the man reportedly said to officers, “I stole them to get a fix. I shot up this morning. I’m gonna get sick.”

Thomas Grant, 25, of Woburn, was taken into custody and charged with larceny over $250.


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