Newstalk for May 20

On May 20, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

senseless shooting in Cambridge on Monday at Harvard took the life of
young Justin Cosby, the son of Denise Cosby – who works here in
Somerville at ERA Norton. Denise was so devoted to her Justin, it's a
sad time and our prayers are with her and her family, we hope that the
Cambridge Police find his killers and bring them to justice. Our
deepest sympathy to Denise and her family.


the PDSers have found a willing PDSers who has taken out papers to run
against incumbent Jamie Norton for Ward 4 School Committee seat. We
hear she's been calling various people around the city, stating she is
a candidate for the Progressives and she's made it clear to more than
one person that the only way to win is to run a negative campaign – in
fact, we heard it was the SC member from Ward 5 – Mr. Neidergang who
told her to do that. We're not surprised. We also here he's been having
meetings at his home to get other PDSers to run against those that
would criticize them. You might remember its on record and recorded
that Mr. Neidergang made a comment that Good Friday and other various
holidays be done away with here in Somerville, even referring to Bunker
Hill Day as an "annoying" holiday. She is said to be a friend, maybe
she wants to do away with Good Friday as well? This the PDSers agenda –
taking over and having no sense of purpose other then to tear down
everything that isn't to their liking. Hmmmm, sounds like? Looks like?
You decide!


We also heard that Rebekah
from Ward 6 is blaming The News for her opponent this year, as usual
Rebekah you're wrong again – other then a "hello" and "how do you do" –
no one at The News knows this guy – we asked and we can assure you no
one here at The News put anyone in any race at any time. We know you
might find it hard to believe, since the PDSers consider anyone that is
born, raised and grew up here as crooks. Again not all PDSers – but
most – appear to love negative campaigning because they can't face the
real issues! By the way, it's nice to see their monthly meeting this
month has a place, date and time and imagine that you don't have to
email them to see if it's secret meeting – maybe they are becoming more
transparent, you think?


What's this
from Newton? Seems like Alderman Gentile from Newton resents being
compared to us here in Somerville, actually he's insulted that now the
city administration of Newton has made reference to our city and that
we're doing good, that doesn't wash with Alderman Gentile we think –
maybe he thinks it's still "Slumerville," not Somerville?


someone post a "Help Wanted Ad" in the paper? According to sources
telling us that the Somerville police department's vehicle maintenance
garage is short handed. Apparently the department has only one full
time overwhelmed mechanic on duty to service the fifty-one police
vehicles in the department's fleet. We are also hearing that the same
situation exists with the Somerville Fire Department as well. One
mechanic to service the entire fleet.


heard through reliable sources that Ames Envelope Company has given a
few employees the heads up that if things don't work out and get better
withing three weeks that the envelope giant may begin to close there
doors forever. Let's hope that they pull through these difficult times
and begin to prosper once again, as well other employers here in the
city and area.


Condolences go out to the
family of Roseanne Donato, Roseanne was the wife of the Medford
Representative Paul Donato, she was a nice lady and very well liked in
Medford and here in Somerville by many people.


to the new owners of "Pizza Palace" in Somerville on their grand
opening this past week! It's nice to see new businesses opening
considering the shape of the economy in general. We hear that Cindy
from the former "Ocean Reef Restaurant" is one of the new owners so we
know that the food will be delicious! Best wishes!


hear that Dick Brescia, Somerville's Chief City Assessor, is not doing
well after suffering a serious heart attack. We hope he gets well soon
– he is a very hard working, dedicated and well-respected City Hall


Well apparently Congressman Mike
Capuano made a big hit at the BU commencement ceremonies this past
weekend, he was his old self we hear, the students, who by the way
originally weren't excited about him coming, ended up giving him high
praise. We knew he could do it…maybe he managed to get Obama's speech
writer, or did he?


We hear from a couple
of Sales Representatives over at the Farm Team papers that their office
in Concord was drastically cutting back there and they're going to make
some serious cuts locally. We noticed and we're sure others have
noticed that the boxes – in a few spots around the city didn't even get
any papers delivered last week. We have a secret squirrel out there
tracking this down – meanwhile, we added two more spots in Ward 2 over
the last week – now we are up to 165 locations and counting. If you
know of a store or location you'd like to see The News at, let the
circulation department know and we will put it on the list.


at his daughters house is well known local favorite (always can be seen
at DD in Magoun Square) Eddie Abate, he was in the hospital from a bad
fall – he says he'll be back real soon in the Ball and Magoun Square



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