Our favorite toys

On December 7, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Now that another Christmas is upon us, I thought it would be fun to ask Somerville what their favorite toy ever was. My best gifts were a race car set and a Beatles and an Elton John album. Here are the comments from our friends in the Ville. Here come the comments:


“Anything LEGO, and then there was the year I got a new bike. Being the youngest of four boys, every bike I had was handed down. I was so happy to finally have a new one.”

“My Chatty Kathy Doll. I drove everyone crazy with it!”

“Saucer for sledding, then a handheld hairdryer!”

“Barbie camper and Barbie airplane. One of them, can’t remember which, got two of and gave one of them to a best friend.”

I got an Aurora slot car racing set which was very cool.”

I remember I got a Kenner Give a Show projector. You could show colorful slides on a wall or a white sheet. “

“We got a few gifts from The Bargain Center which was in Davis Square. They sold fire damaged stuff so my GI Joe smelled like smoke.”

“An Erector set, only appropriately appreciated Christmas present over the years. I didn’t like the dolls, nylons, etc., that were my presents the other years.”

“Spirograph and Etch A Sketch were fun toys. I spent hours playing with them.”

“My Mom made me a red wool ice skating outfit that was beautiful. Along with this was a pair of white ice skates and the dance skating began for me. Oh, how I loved this on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.”

“Atari changed my life.”

It was so exciting getting great gifts for Christmas. Today I’d be happy with some new socks and maybe a few scratch tickets. I can still hear the sound my Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots made when you knocked off the other guy’s block.

I should say my first guitar was my best gift because it started me on my life as a musician/ songwriter.


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