Hump Day

On April 6, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte 

So, what do you think about all the speed humps throughout the city? Did you go over one by accident too fast and everything in the car lifts up in the air and crashes back down? I did that once. Those humps are popping up all over the place. I asked my Somerville social friends for their opinions. Each new comment is in quotes.

“I think it’s insane. I can see near schools but on side streets. I think Somerville let in a lot of, how do I say this nicely, fragile needy people. Funny how we grew up there, didn’t have speed bumps, didn’t have bike lanes bus lanes, no we had brains and knew how to use them.”

“They may very well calm traffic and prevent pedestrian injuries, however, as a firefighter here for 36 years I’d be more apt to worry about having the trucks slow down to go over these while I’m hanging out a window waiting to be rescued.”

“I have one in front of my house every time a car goes over it up in air and slams to ground it sounds like someone crashed their car into my house. Talk about noise pollution. Called and complained. No one cares about lifelong citizens.”

“Some of the streets are a complete disgrace. They dig holes everywhere and never fix them. The speed bumps are another problem that is ridiculous for drivers. The city has become a horrible place to try to get through. I’m sick of it. I was born here and I have never seen a more disgraceful time for Somerville.”

“As mentioned in an earlier post, slowed emergency vehicle response time is, I’m guessing here, an unintended consequence. Once the insurance companies learn of this slowed response time they will be looking to increase their rates.”

Say and feel as you may, Somerville is growing in leaps and bounds and humps. Hang on and go for the ride.


1 Response » to “Hump Day”

  1. matt c says:

    Too bad we don’t have speeding cameras to enforce speed limits… I live on a narrow one-way street where parents won’t allow their young children to play outside in front of their homes because of speeding cars. Plus decide our priority, putting the safety of adults and children who are not in cars at risk or enabling often distract a drivers to get where they’re going two or three minutes sooner.