Pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements in Davis Sq.

On September 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Beginning in September 2022, the city will be making pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements around Davis Square. Planned improvements include ADA-compliant accessible curb ramps and crosswalks. These improvements will increase safety and make it easier for people to move around the square.

What is an accessible curb ramp?

An accessible curb ramp is located at the point where the sidewalk and street meet at a crosswalk and allows anyone traveling, including people with disabilities using mobility devices, to move from the sidewalk level to the street level and use the crosswalk. These curb ramps also include detectable warning pads, or tiles with raised bumps, to signal to people with visual impairments that they are transitioning from the sidewalk into the crosswalk.

Anticipated Work Schedule:

Work will begin in September and continue through the fall. Work will then resume in spring 2023. Please refer to the map above to see which components of the work are anticipated to be completed in 2022 and which components are scheduled for 2023.

Construction Impacts:

Temporary parking restrictions and short-term detours anticipated. Please observe posted signage.

Notification of any parking restrictions will be posted no less than 48 hours in advance.

Questions? Email or call the Engineering Division at 617-625-6600 ext. 5400.

-City of Somerville


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