Our View of the Times – July 20

On July 20, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The word is out that construction activities focused on the rail right-of-way between East Somerville Station and Medford Tufts Station will be taking place at night through the end of the month.

According to reports, the construction work will involve heavy equipment which can make a lot of noise. Work is expected to move at a moderate pace-limiting the duration of noise impacts in specific areas.

While the noise will only affect a small number of local residents, we feel for them and offer our sincerest sympathies.

And yet, even though a certain portion of the city may be somewhat inconvenienced for a certain period of time, it’s kind of nice to know that the GLX is still chugging forward towards completion, however slowly yet surely it may be.

The city, state, and national governments have all sunk a fortune into the effort, while we ourselves have ducked and dodged and wheedled our way across the city and its surroundings through chopped up and wildly diverted roadways. We’ve all paid our fares and we’re more than ready to climb aboard and enjoy the fruits of all this fortune and labor.

And as we contend with the lingering threat of the coronavirus and its variants, inflation, political disputes and all the other annoyances we’re contending with these days, it’s also nice to know that this project that began long before these troubles arose is finally approaching its ultimate conclusion.

So maybe a little more inconvenience of this sort is not so hard to take after all. Especially considering everything else we’re going through right now.


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