Our View of the Times – June 15

On June 15, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

For those of us who are fortunate enough to have had a strong, loving father figure in our lives, we have indeed been truly blessed.

They have served as our providers – along with mom, of course – our enablers, our staunch supporters, our coaches, our towers of strength.

Most of us love our dads year-round unconditionally, but we are immediately reminded of just how much they mean to us whenever Father’s Day rolls around in the month of June.

It suddenly becomes a high priority to pick out that perfect gift, to prepare a nice meal, or to just spend some meaningful quality time together.

And as stoic and unconcerned as they may want to appear, you can be sure that these gestures are deeply appreciated. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, whether a giver or receiver.

Some of us may be so separated from our fathers geographically that an in-person get together might not be possible this time around. We can still pick up the phone or buzz them on Zoom for a special talk that would surely lift dad’s spirits.

Think of all the times he was there for you, for that important sports event at school, for the wonderful summer vacations and holiday season sledding in the park. For graduations, weddings, births, and so many of life’s most memorable events. He made sure to make time for you, no matter how busy his life was.

So however, it is we manage to celebrate our fathers this year, let’s make sure they know how important and precious they are to us. They’ll surely appreciate it.


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