(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

To my many supporters,

Now that I am the only conservative candidate running for mayor of Somerville on the stage with common sense that holds family values and wants to be a voice for all, please write-in William Tauro on November 2nd.

We are unable to provide you, our supporters with complete information prematurely. I can tell you this; We are not giving up at all! Our Campaign staff were volunteers which a handful operated as professionals in the election department for Somerville for years. They provided us with detailed information of how the Somerville Election Department mishandled ballots and resulted in irregularities that occurred throughout the process.

The mishandling of ballots providing the inaccurate count of over 26,000 votes cast will be reconciled. The election department will be investigated and when found guilty of the crimes that tangible evidence has already come forward, will be held accountable 100%.

The time for election fraud is over in this CITY, and its now the time for every citizen to protect this valuable right to vote as strongly as if we were invaded by illegal hackers or others meant to destroy the Democracy that has built our great nation. Have faith and trust in the system of due process and with a bit of honesty, all will be revealed shortly.

So now we have transformed our campaign into a write-in/sticker campaign so we are in it to win it and yes we will be victorious on November 2nd!

In some cases, voters may be invalidly disenfranchised, which is true electoral fraud. For example, a legitimate voter may be “accidentally” removed from the electoral roll, making it difficult or impossible for the person to vote.

Until the FBI completes their process I still have only less than 45 days to run my campaign so every day counts that’s why we’re running a write-in/sticker campaign

Thank you for your continued support and our goals to protect all the citizens of Somerville Massachusetts!

We are in it to win it, so on November 2nd my name will not appear on the ballot due to this recent contested election interference, but instead please write in “William Tauro” and address “333 Great River Road” in the space provided on the ballot and please remember to circle the oval dot next to where you write in my name next to it!

Like I said, we are in this to win it! I want to be a mayor and a voice for all! Let’s take back our city and save Somerville from further political destruction.

William Tauro


6 Responses to “Statement of mayoral candidate William Tauro ‘We are still in this race!’”

  1. Casimir H. Prohosky Jr. says:

    ‘We are still in this race!’

    Interesting remark. I wonder who else is in this race other than Tauro. Hmm…

  2. joe says:

    Tauro is definitely an unusual guy. Has no business sniffing the mayorship.

    That said, I very much wish there was a non-progressive candidate for mayor. I feel like my interests and views have not been represented in this race at all (nor in the slate of city councilor candidates). Where is a competent candidate who will be a steward for Somerville’s success, address and improve livability, be reasonably financially responsible, respect both tenant and owner rights, and work to improve all modes of transportation? We could also drop the pandering to national “justice” issues… regardless of your stance, they have virtually nothing to do with running Somerville day-to-day.

  3. Bob Ross says:

    Joe is spot on.

  4. Ron Newman says:

    This person is delusional. Doubly so if he thinks he is going to pick up any significant number of Mary Cassesso’s voters. His signs have blighted our city for the past few months, and I am glad to see them start to come down.

  5. Shakespeare says:

    Beautifully written!

  6. Villenous says:

    I guess he missed where thousands of people showed up last week to vote for anybody but him.