City Councilor Will Mbah announces candidacy for Mayor

On April 2, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

At-Large City Councilor Will Mbah has announced his candidacy for Mayor of Somerville in the 2021 election. Mbah, who was first elected in 2017, is in his second term on the Council.

In an announcement video released this morning, Mbah said his campaign would take “the great promise and progressive ideals that Somerville expresses- a belief in black lives, a belief in being a sanctuary city, of affordability, a commitment to education, the arts and artists, of a Green New Deal for Somerville, a commitment to our seniors, a support of our local businesses, and a belief in having a safe and thriving community for all- and then ask the hard questions about how we are living up to these values for ALL in the community.” Citing his temporary displacement from Somerville due to rising rents after he first moved to the city, he emphasized the importance of bold action on housing affordability. He spoke about the pressing environmental issues facing the city, which have been a key focus of his work on the city council. Mbah discussed the need for climate justice in Somerville, including clean air for all, especially those living closest to the I-93 corridor.

An immigrant from Cameroon who moved to Somerville in 2011, Mbah understands first hand the challenges faced by the one-quarter of Somerville’s population who are also immigrants. As a father raising two young children, he is deeply invested in seeing the city of Somerville become the most welcoming, inclusive place it can be. The Somerville Mbah envisions extends opportunities to all of its residents. Prior to his time on the city council, Mbah volunteered on the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health (CAFEH), was involved locally with the Democratic City Committee as the Diversity Chair, was a member of Our Revolution Somerville, and was also involved in community organizing in Sweden and Cameroon.

Long-time Somerville resident and disability rights activist Harriotte Hurie Ranvig said “I am thrilled to support Will as he runs to be our next mayor. Somerville is an amazing community that has strong progressive values ranging from housing to climate to immigrant rights. We deserve a mayor who will fight for those progressive values every day and do so in an open and transparent way that acknowledges the different lived experiences of residents new and old. I’m excited for this next chapter in Somerville’s history. Our city celebrates the raising of the first American flag every year, and I hope we live to see the day when Mayor Mbah is at that ceremony.”

To view Mbah’s announcement video, visit


10 Responses to “City Councilor Will Mbah announces candidacy for Mayor”

  1. Sara Dion says:

    Wow, congratulations! You most likely have my vote!

  2. A.Moore says:

    And if he becomes mayor how many personal things will we have to supply him or pay for? As it is he has the city shovel him out. Not a good start.

  3. Ayongbertran says:

    He merits my vote

  4. Casimir H. Prohosky Jr. says:

    Nice enough guy. One bit of advice, respectfully offered: ditch the “you know” interjections between every few words when speaking in public. Not your best move.


  5. Villenous says:

    I expect more people to jump in. Also, Bill Tauro’s going to have an embarrassing September.

  6. Joe says:

    His whole pitch is based on so-called progressive ideals. Where are the nuts-and-bolts of running and bettering the city that is like 98% of the job?

    Will he fix the roads? Will he tackle the rats? Will he get rid of the junkies? Will he improve transportation for *all* (improve car traffic flow while also building bike infrastructure)? Will he greatly improve the care of city trees? Is there anything he would do to clean up the litter all over the city? Does he respect property owner rights? Does he acknowledge the importance of the Somerville police?

    But mostly: Will he be a great steward for the continued transformation of Somerville into a highly desirable city among professionals? Will he attract new businesses and make sure that chains don’t move in (for instance in Union Square)? Will he make sure we don’t end up with a traffic and/or parking nightmare?

    I don’t know. I don’t hear anything. I’m waiting for a candidate to stand up who has a great deal of practical experience and who will be a mayor for *ALL* of Somerville. We don’t need somebody that will give climate change and sanctuary cities and BLM lip service to get elected and then realize that it has nothing to do with the actual day-to-day job.

  7. Zeke says:

    How on earth Billy Tauro, an ardent Trump supporter with a history of bashing immigrants, liberals, etc.. thinks he can win in a town that went like 85% for Biden is beyond me. It’s really more a question of if he’ll be a spoiler for another candidate that might otherwise pick up the townie vote.

    Will Mbah is a good guy and his heart is in the right place, but he doesn’t have the grit to be mayor. As a councilor you can rattle on and on about affordable housing, climate change, inclusiveness, and all the other standard national platitudes we all care about that, but you’re immune from having to actually figure out how to get stuff done that impacts people locally. Mbah was drafted by the Our Revolution folks as a plant who would be firmly under their control as mayor, because they don’t quite trust Katjana to tow the line. She’s just a bit too independent for their comfort, and has the age / experience that will keep her from needing to rely on them to tell her what to do. Of the three running (so far) she’s got my vote.

  8. In response to Joe says:

    In response to Joe’s comment above I just want to say that those “junkies” you speak of aren’t junkies. Men and women just like them are our friends and family members that we care about. Many died in the prime of their lives. Addicted more often than not due to underlying untreated mental illness. Better question is how do we get rid of your dated thinking, lack of compassion and negativity? You owe everyone who sees your comment an apology because we’ve all lost at least one person to opiates who was a human being. Not a junkie.

  9. I’m from the ville says:

    As a born in Somerville and life long resident I/we are use to class warfare. So let me enlighten you. We are not townies, townies are from Charlestown. We are Somervillians, or if you prefer, from the ville. We refer to everyone else as Barney’s. We very seldom or never associate with Barneys because just read above to see how they think and react.

  10. Casimir H. Prohosky Jr. says:

    Or if you prefer, an arrogant ass.