Somerville officials release statement on Atlanta shootings

On March 19, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Mayor Joe Curtatone, City Council President Matt McLaughlin, School Committee Chair Andre Green, Superintendent Mary Skipper

On Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia, a shooting rampage at area spas left eight people dead, six of whom were women of Asian descent. This tragedy is emblematic of an unacceptable cruelty taking root in our society and serves as further evidence of the blatant racism in our country designed to oppress our neighbors, friends and community members. Hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans in major U.S. cities rose by 150% last year, and within that number, women have been disproportionately targeted. Sadly, Asian and Asian American women in our city and region also have been the victims of this open bigotry. We recognize the growing and justifiable fear you may be experiencing in the wake of the senseless violence.

We join together to express our solidarity, both with our Asian and Asian American residents and communities and with all women and girls in Somerville. As City officials we want you to know you are seen and valued, and if you are being made to feel unsafe, you will be taken seriously and protected. We strive to make our City institutions a safe haven for all and our commitment to human rights a constant, regardless of your race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, age or any other identifier. Our commitment as a sanctuary city and an anti-racist community is anchored in the knowledge that our strength as a city lies in the people who live and work here, and the richness each of us brings to our community. 



1 Response » to “Somerville officials release statement on Atlanta shootings”

  1. jimbo says:

    From all reports this person was a religiously frustrated sex addict that frequented these “massage parlors” and snapped. I don’t believe it had anything to do with killing asians because they were asians. I’m pretty sure he killed asians because they worked at the massage parlor.