Letter to the Editor – $15 should be a start

On March 3, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

I have difficulty believing that there are some amongst us who oppose a living wage.

Raising the basic minimum to a new baseline starting point of $15 is a step towards breaking the poverty cycle and a path forward towards reduction of rampant racism. Keeping the hourly base low is a form of enslavement that prevents people from breaking out of the poverty cycle, and too many of this cohort are people who have been targets of the racists. It is a feudal mechanism meant to keep the labor input low so that employers, now because there is no slavery, can reap larger profits. It has become a way to control people, keep them in a certain social strata and remove a way for anyone in that strata to leave it.

Economists tell us that paying people more puts more discretionary income in their pockets so they will spend more and that increases demand. It’s simple economics.  So why not pay more if we want to be real about this?

The argument that prices will increase is bogus and is just another false assertion against change. Costco, for example, pays above $15 to start and this company is wildly successful growing significantly year after year. US multi-nationals in other countries pay far higher hourly rates and yet sell their products competitively (they typically also have paid leave, maternity leave and paid vacation). The result in those countries is a higher average standard of living, longer life expectancy, better healthcare, fewer homeless people, less poverty and less stress.

We are seeing the impact of poverty on the nightly news. Lines of cars waiting for food from food banks, people unable to pay rent, buy their medications and pay their bills because they have no money. In this wealthy country why is this so? It need not be.

If we want equality, if we want to curb racism, if we want to lift our country’s standard of living up then we must act. That means paying a living wage, now. Everyone will benefit, the tide will lift all boats, big and small as Costco has shown.

Alan Bingham


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