Our View of the Times – July 29

On July 29, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The city’s decision to reopen the public schools this fall has been met with mixed reactions. While some praise the move as being an important step towards regaining a modicum of normalcy after months of social isolation, others wonder if it is too soon to be throwing kids and teachers together so closely at this time.

Public officials assure us that extreme measures will be taken to assure the safety of students, teachers and families as the school year gets underway. The exact procedures that will be implemented are still being discussed and examined, so nothing has yet been set in stone. It is a work in progress.

A series of virtual meetings and town halls, where public officials and the public can exchange concerns and ideas, will take place over the next few weeks. To observe or participate in the town halls, you can find information for joining in by going to https://www.somervillema.gov/schooltownhalls.

While concerns over exposure to COVID-19 are a legitimate concern, many cite warnings by child development professionals that too much home schooling in combination with social isolation can be seriously detrimental to children’s needs for socialization and personal engagement with teachers.

Some also cite the need to get the economy restarted by freeing parents to get back to work after spending time looking after their kids’ home schooling activities.

All of us would undoubtedly agree that the health concerns are of paramount importance. Fortunately, we will have the option to pull back if need be.


2 Responses to “Our View of the Times – July 29”

  1. LindaS says:

    Perhaps a two-week in, two-week remote schedule might help, or perhaps having barriers put between desks to turn them into cubicles might at least mitigate things, but it’s not going to be easy for anyone. How about even having teachers teach remotely to kids physically in the classroom, to keep them safe? Who knows?

    No matter how cautious the City is being about anything during this time, ultimately, as long as people continue to be reckless, selfish and inconsiderate by gathering together in huge numbers (just watch the news lately), we may never get anywhere close to normal for at least another year, possibly longer, depending on how quickly they can distribute a vaccine.

    For those who think they’ve waited long enough and just want to go back out and “have fun,” I say, grow up and understand that it’s not about YOU, it’s about US. Let’s hope you and your loved ones are still here in a year’s time so that you can laugh about how you rebelled against the virus and did what you wanted anyway.

    If we have to roll back anything because of the lack of consideration we have shown to others, we have nobody to blame but ourselves at this point. Everyone loses, and it simply doesn’t have to be this way.

  2. Steve Keenan says:

    I’m sure that the Mayor and School Officials gave this matter much thought and consideration. They will monitor the situation and make changes as needed.

    I think opening the schools is the right choice.