Our View of the Times – July 8

On July 8, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

While searching for equitable ways of dealing with the legal status of domestic partnerships, the Somerville City Council happened upon a less than well-known issue lurking in the shadows, yearning for light to be shed on it.

What happens to those who are in committed familial relationships that involve more than two individuals? Do they get fair treatment when dealing with getting health coverage, engage in meaningful estate planning, and other legal processes? Until recently, the movement towards equity for domestic partnerships barely registered a blip on the radar screens of civic leaders. And the additional wrinkle concerning polyamorous relationships has barely garnered any attention at all.

Until now.

The City Council took the bold step last week of not only assuring complete recognition of domestic partnerships, but also included those relationships that happen to involve more than just two people.

Is this fair? Are those relationships comprised of only a pair more entitled to the benefits of legal recognition than ones who consist of more than just two individuals? How can anyone think so, if they’re be fair and honest themselves.

Of course, this will seem strange and possibly illegal to some whose staunch traditional values run against the views of proponents of this policy. For many, changes on this order of magnitude take some time to digest and fully process.

That’s OK. In time, the logic of it will surely come to those whose minds are open and sense of justice prevails.

In the meantime, love finds its way.


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