Our View of the Times – January 4

On January 4, 2017, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The city we are blessed to live in is steeped in historical heritage, and specifically enjoys a special distinction in the saga of the American Revolution as we take part in the annual observance of the raising of the Grand Union Flag at Prospect Hill.

This year marks the 241st anniversary of the event that many came together to celebrate with a heady mixture of patriotism and pride in community. Politicos and the general public rubbed shoulders and marked the occasion by sharing their collective sense of awe and gratitude for the sacrifices made and the victories achieved so many generations ago.

General Washington and the formidable volunteers of the Continental Army weathered many tribulations on their noble quest for independence for our nation. Unspeakable hardships confronted them, yet they held steady until ultimate victory was assured.

Let us be inspired by their example as we face the challenges ahead of us in the year to come. Whether it is economic, political, or social issues to be dealt with, we will persevere.

This is a country that knows how. The way may not be perfectly clear at this given moment, but we do know how to find our way even in the darkest of hours. And remember, Somerville, in the face of the greatest adversity one can always look to The Hill for inspiration.


2 Responses to “Our View of the Times – January 4”

  1. LindaS says:

    It’s great to be able to feel the pride of having a rich history; but it would really be great if the picture that accompanied the article were actually of Prospect Hill Tower, and not the Powderhouse. 🙂

  2. Gaspar Fomento says:

    Sorry, Smiley, the Powderhouse image always accompanies this feature. It’s also present on the top of each web page as a symbolic icon. Stick to bashing the Mayor, that’s more your speed.