Free Charlie Chaplin Movie Night: May 16

On May 14, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
Somerville Media Center presents a “Charlie Chaplin” Movie Night this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at VOX POP located at 431 Artisan Way at Assembly Row.

Evening Agenda
7:00-7:15: Mingling
7:15-8:15: Movies- The Immigrant (1917) & The Rink (1916)
8:15-8:45: Panel Discussion

Following the movie will be a brief 30-minute panel discussion with film scholars, producers and enthusiasts! This is moderated by Boston area filmmaker and producer, Troy Minkowsky.

Panelist bios:

“Paul Falcone has been making movies since the age of 5 when his parents started the Yellow Ball Workshop. His mother Yvonne Andersen taught children how to make animated movies and her son was her first student. Paul went on to a career in film making and is best known for his short film “Cosmic Crystal” made at the age of 13. A live action film using drawing on film techniques for special effects. His college film “Strange Flesh” was a finalist for the student academy awards. Later while working at Adelphia cable on the south shore he made a comedy Kung fu movie called “Demonfist” which won first place in the video professional category in the Massachusetts Community TV awards. Paul presently works for Wellesley Media covering cultural events for the town.”
“Dianne Carroll started her career in film a a latch key kid growing up in a rough city. Films especially old Hollywood cinema was her retreat from reality. Similar to the psychosis of woody Allen’s film the “purple rose of Cairo…” in her formative years the Cohen brothers writing and directing styles resonated with dianne. Dianne once had a lucid dream where she was approached by Steven Spielberg who warmly embraced her giving her a platonic kiss on the cheek and a white feather then disappeared.  Dianne photo story journey would take her to the Defense Information School or DINFOS on Ft Meade Maryland. “If you want to teach a broadcaster to communicate under duress hire a DINFOS grad” Walter Kronkite. Fast forward to the future she will study film at the Lee Strasberg Film and Theatre Institute in Union Square New  York, New York. Albeit a very brief stint she found her self studying at the Harvard extension summer school directing workshop. She also study Cechov  at the American Repertory Theatre or A.R.T.  Her specialty lies in researching and developing characters through method acting. Dianne is proud to say that she attended the Harvard of Comedy Schools Chicago’s Second City Training Center. Her career took her to new heights as she worked in three different casting directors offices in both Chicago and NewYork City. For the last eight months dianne has been directing producing and casting along with making a few radio appearances in the south in a city called New Orleans, Louisiana. Currently she is studying directing at a masters level class at NYU Tisch School of Arts. As we speak she is putting the final touches on her MFA in Directing package for Yale Drama. She thinks she can goes as far as the PhD.”

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