Newstalk – 10/6

On October 6, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Somerville Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Business After Hours get together is Thursday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Oct. 6, at the Mt. Vernon Restaurant located at 14 Broadway in East Somerville. Great business networking opportunity for all


The Somerville High School Class of 1960 recently had an interesting reunion of sorts, a tour of the city, filled two buses and apparently was a huge success, many of the graduates of SHS haven’t seen the city as a tour. The class had a nice turnout and afterwards had a dinner at the Hilton in Woburn. Maybe that was a draw to attack a larger number of attendances than normal, some other classes might think about that.


Candidate David Carnavale for State Senate recently received the endorsement of the Medford Police Department’s patrol union as well as the endorsement of Citizens for Limited Taxation. Both endorsements say a lot about a candidate who is challenging the current Senator.


We heard Senator Jehlen was one of only four senators to vote against the Casino Bill, and she also voted against that Tax Free weekend that was voted on and approved by the rest of the Senate and House. Just goes to show you there isn’t a tax that Sen. Jehlen doesn’t like. She’ll keep on voting against any tax breaks or jobs bill, unless it’s a state job.  Time to send her a message and all the other incumbents that vote for more taxes and no jobs, eventually they affect everyone, even liberals. But she votes to give illegal aliens money to go to college. How does one justify voting to tax us and vote against job creation and then turn around and give money away?


Happy Birthday goes out to Gay Koty, a school nurse here in the City and long time Somerville resident, many more and best wishes. Also Happy Birthday to Joe Staples of the Winter Hill Yacht Club, he turns 73 this week.


Lots of talk out there in the streets about the taxes and fees and lack of politicians that will listen to the people. Some people are talking about getting together and having a Tea Party movement gathering right here in the middle of liberal Somerville. One person asking not to be identified says they are waiting now until after these elections are over before forming a movement, we’ll keep you posted.


The Somerville Lions “Eye Mobile” will be back in town on the 20th of this month, at the TAB building on Holland Street, where the Council on Aging headquarters is. Get your eyes and blood pressure checked for free, compliments of the Lions club. It’s through groups like this that the business community gives back to the city; this is a free checkup/exam. If you’re a local business and interested in joining the Lions call Billy Tauro, the President, at 617 293-2016 for information.


Another Open House for the local Masons is coming up on Saturday Oct. 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 125 Highland Avenue at the rear building. King Solomon’s Lodge is the first Masonic Lodge to be granted a charter in 1783 after the signing of the peace treaty between the states and England. Lots of ancient relics and papers will be on display as well as a tour of the lodge rooms and the officers headed by  Jose M. Jorge will be on hand to answer questions that you might have about Masonry. In Massachusetts there are about 50,000 Masons in about 230 lodges spread across the state.


Remember our web site, its interactive blog as well as our Facebook page, where we now have 5,000 friends. The Somerville News is also soon to have a fan page. If you’re interested in writing for the paper call Bobbie Toner at 617 666-4010, whether  you’re a student at any of the local high schools, in college or even just want to write about your community give us a call. If you’re a charitable organization here in the city and want us to post on our site any fund raising event please let the publisher Donald Norton know so it can be added to the web site so you can have a bigger turnout.


Tickets for the annual Somerville News Writers Festival are available, go to our web site and look for the link on our web site and register for your ticket on November 13. The event will be great this year, Doug Holder (we are hoping that the city will make him the honorary Poet Laureat of Somerville) and Tim Gager worked hard again this year to bring a quality group of writers together for your entertainment. The event will be held at the Armory on Highland Avenue.


The Somerville High School Class of 1985 25th Reunion is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 27, 7 p.m. to midnight at the Hotel Marlowe in Cambridge. Tickets are $50. Send Checks to: SHS Class of 1985, 10 Pheasant Hill Lane, Methuen, Ma 01844.


Join the Central Library at 79 Highland Avenue for a year-long celebration of Forgotten Gems of the Silver Screen.  October’s film is The Body Snatcher, starring Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi.  It will be shown on Thursday, October 7th at 6:30 p.m.


Join the Central Library at 79 Highland Avenue on Thursday, October 14 at 7:00 p.m. for a special performance of “Edgar Allan Poe and Margaret Fuller: A Conversation.” The year is 1845 and Miss Fuller (portrayed by Jessa Piaia) and Mr. Poe (portrayed by Rob Velella) are in town from Manhattan where they are at the height of their literary careers – Mr. Poe as editor of The Broadway Journal, and Miss Fuller as first female editor and literary critic at The New York Daily Tribune.  They meet at the Somerville Public Library to discuss their recently published works (Poe’s The Raven and Fuller’s Woman in the 19th Century), and exchange gossip and innuendo in a humorous style reminiscent of the Transcendentalist circle in Concord, Boston, and Brook Farm, the utopian community located in West Roxbury. This free performance is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.  All are welcome to attend.


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