City approves requests for Fire Dept. funding

On March 24, 2016, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Charles Lane

Chief Fire Engineer Patrick Sullivan briefed the Board on the department’s needs for additional funding.

Chief Fire Engineer Patrick Sullivan briefed the Board on the department’s needs for additional funding.

The City of Somerville Board of Aldermen considered and ultimately approved several funding measures brought forward at its latest regular meeting on March 10.

The first, a request by Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, asked the Board to approve a grant of $50,000 from the MA Office of Public Safety for Fire Dept. staffing.

Mayor Curtatone’s formal request stated in part: “I respectfully request your acceptance of a Grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security in the amount of $50,000. These funds will be used to supplement the fire department’s overtime account. In accordance with M.G.L., Chapter 44, Section 53A, which requires a vote of the Board of Alderman for the expenditure of grants, or gifts from the federal government and from charitable foundation, private corporation, or an individual, or from the Commonwealth, a County or Municipality or agency thereof, I request that you accept this grant for final approval. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.”

Chief Fire Engineer Patrick Sullivan explained the Department’s use of overtime. He stated the Fire Department started with 152 Firefighters at the beginning of the Fiscal Year, and average 16 members vacant per month. There have been actions taken to balance out firefighters from group to group with these vacancies.

Alderman McWatters questioned if additional Firefighters would help reduce the overtime. Chief Sullivan stated when everyone is healthy, 152 is manageable. Alderman Heuston questioned the members that are out on extended sick and injury.

Alderman Davis pointed out there may be a need to increase staff due to the sick and long term injuries that have been trending. Chief Sullivan explained it’s starting to balance out now, and it’s hard to tell at any given time how many will be out. Alderman Ballantyne questioned why the Firefighters have been out. Chief Sullivan explained there have been some surgeries and physical therapy. Alderman Sullivan expressed the need for more than 8 additional Firefighters. Alderman Niedergang recommended some strength and conditioning resources to help prevent some injuries to help the staffing needs.

Chief Sullivan stated there were some resources in place to help with nutrition and dieting, which has helped over the last couple years. Alderman Heuston made suggestion to help with missed shifts, especially on trends like the summer vacations. Currently there is no staff to fill in for the day to day absences. President White recommended adding staff to help fill in as floaters.

In addition to these measures, the mayor requested that a transfer in the amount of $119,000 from the E-911 Salaries Account to the Fire Department Overtime Account be made to mitigate a projected budget overrun in the Fire Department Overtime Account.

All three requests were approved by the Board.


1 Response » to “City approves requests for Fire Dept. funding”

  1. Cooper says:

    The Department should be granted all of the funds necessary to be properly staffed. These brave individuals require our full support.