Somerville schools grapple with Covid-19 issues

On May 19, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Kyle Dante

Covid-19 remains an issue in the community, especially in the schools. Rapid testing still remains in effect in the Somerville school system. In addition, if one tests positive, the isolation time sits at five days as of this time. An additional five days of masking is required to prevent spreading the virus. Masks will continually be provided to residents and students. To participate in sports, a Covid-19 vaccination is required.

Covid-19 metrics remain an issue. Despite the removal of the mask mandate, there is a possibility of its reintroduction. As of now, there is confusion on the procedures of handling a positive Covid-19 case. Specifically, if a family member or if their children are exposed or in close contact with an infected person.

As discussed at the May 9 School Committee meeting, mandating school masking is risky. Without a public masking policy, it risks alienating people. One possibility is masking particular grades with higher positive cases. At the same time, it can be unfair. Somerville Elementary Schools only had two positive cases.

If there are cases, a mass emailing goes out to parents. It helps in keeping them in the know of what to do regarding the cases. A policy on a mask mandate, however, remains a compliance issue. After completing rapid testing administered every Monday and Wednesday, the parents learn of a potential positive case from school nursing. However, for confidentiality purposes, the Somerville websites publicly avoid bringing up any names. At the same time, there is no contact tracing, under state law.

SomervilleMa.Gov will have more information on the Covid-19 pandemic on state and school regulations. As the pandemic runs rampant, the Somerville school system will closely monitor cases. If there is a rise in positive cases, there will be a return to discussing the mandating of masks in Somerville schools.

A few weeks ago, SPS families and staff were sent an email discussing the increase in cases after vacation and explained the temporary measures to protect the health and safety of students and staff.


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