Our View of the Times – April 6

On April 6, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Long awaited-for changes are coming soon to Somerville’s Davis Square. Many redevelopment plans are all but complete and construction activities are imminent.

These specific plans involve the renovation of several commercial properties and a number of new enterprises are expected to take up occupancy, while currently existing businesses will be moved around a bit as the overall project takes shape.

It is hoped, of course, that improvements to the general infrastructure of the area will also be seen as a vital part of the rehabilitation efforts.

The broken-up walkways, damaged lamp posts, peeling paint, etc., have been a source of shame and aggravation as efforts to force the city into taking action on the matter have largely been ineffective. City officials often cite a failure to secure bids from contractors that meet their budgetary limits as the main contributor to the delays.

With the forthcoming thrust towards redevelopment of the area’s business sector, it may be presumed that the resulting efforts will spill over and put a shiny new face on our beloved Davis community.

Change is inevitable in all things. Some things stay, some things go, and some remain in place and adapt to the changes taking place around them.

Not everyone doing in business in the Davis Square area is anxious to uproot themselves and relocate while the big changes take place. But almost everyone can agree that revitalization is a far better thing to live with than the alternative: the continued decline of a wonderful place that lives in our hearts.


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