We understand almost two years of battling this disease has created COVID fatigue. Thanks to Somerville residents continually pulling together during this pandemic, our local case, hospitalization, and fatality numbers have run well behind state and national numbers. Your efforts have made a positive difference and saved lives. We will get to the other side of this. If we pull together, we can keep each other safer during this surge. So…

Here is the COVID-19 update for Wednesday, December 22. Please also check somervillema.gov/covid19 for information and resources that are updated often.  

Omicron wave arriving; exercise extra caution: The U.S. experienced a six-fold increase in Omicron variant infections last week and it is now responsible for 73% of all new cases across the nation. Governor Baker has ordered all Massachusetts hospitals to postpone or cancel all nonessential elective procedures likely to result in inpatient admission in order to maintain and increase inpatient capacity, effective Dec. 27. He also activated the Massachusetts National Guard to assist state hospitals with their patient surge. COVID hospitalizations in the state have risen from a 7-day average of 516 on Nov. 10 to 1,612 on Dec. 20.

The cases numbers in Somerville have risen to 822 for the month of December, making it already the third-highest monthly total since the beginning of the pandemic and creating the potential to surpass last December and January in terms of local transmission of the virus(see the latest Somerville case data at somervillema.gov/covid19dashboard). Given this surge, we are stressing the following: 

  • Everyone needs to double down to reduce their individual chances of catching and spreading this disease. The Omicron variant is highly contagious and the CDC warns “projected large surges in cases indicate surges of hospital demand even if severity is reduced, because of the large number of anticipated cases occurring in a short period of time.”
  • Get vaccinated. Although you can still get COVID if you are vaccinated, you are far more likely to have a mild case and will be less likely to transmit the virus to others. To find a vaccine appointment, visit vaxfinder.mass.gov or call 211.
  • Get boosted. Boosters of COVID-19 vaccines are necessary for maximum protection against the Omicron variant. Evidence indicates vaccine effectiveness decreases over time. That means if you are age 16+ and you are at least six months past your second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or two months past the date of your Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you should immediately get signed up for a COVID-19 booster shot. They are safe, free, and available regardless of your citizenship or health insurance status. Learn more about boosters and register for yours today at vaxfinder.mass.gov or call 211.
  • Take precautions around holiday travel and visits: The CDC has tips for safer holiday gatherings and travel. Some of the ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones include getting a COVID test before and after gatherings, making sure everyone who is eligible is vaccinated, avoiding crowded and poorly ventilated spaces, and staying home if you aren’t feeling well.
  • Mask up. Somerville’s indoor public masking mandate remains in effect. Make sure your mask covers your nose and mouth at all times when in public indoor spaces and that it fits snugly around the sides of your face. Also, make sure to use the best quality masks you can obtain. In general, masks with more layers offer better protection and masks with nose wires help achieve a secure fit. 

Where to get COVID testing: 

  • Local: Go to somervillema.gov/covid19testing to find a local testing location. The City also will be distributing at-home COVID test kits to at-risk populations. 
  • Regional: Go to the State’s site mass.gov/GetTested or call 211 to find additional locations. 
  • Request an at-home test kit: If you are symptomatic, have been exposed to the virus, or otherwise qualify, the State will also now send you a free, at-home test kit via this partner site.
  • Purchase and at-home test kit: You can also now buy rapid at-home antigen tests at local pharmacies or order online. The FDA has approved a number of at-home rapid tests, but this information can change. Especially if ordering online, to see if an at-home test is currently approved by the FDA, visit this page and either search on the product name, or search for the word “home” (yes, it’s cumbersome, but it is important to be sure you have a quality test kit).

Where to get boosters and initial vaccines: Due to high demand, all vaccine and booster locations are requiring pre-registration. The Somerville CHA Vaccine Center in the Target shopping plaza near Union Square offers boosters for all vaccine types in addition to initial COVID-19 vaccines for everyone ages 5+. Pre-register here. One tip when getting a booster shot: bring your vaccine card with you for faster processing. Other options include local pharmacies, your primary care provider, vaxfinder.mass.gov, and calling 211. 

What to do if you’ve been exposed to COVID or if you feel ill: The CDC has put together comprehensive information about what to do if you’ve been exposed to the disease. The main guidance is:

  • If you are fully vaccinated, the CDC does not recommend quarantining, but you should get tested 5 to 7 days after exposure.
  • Stay home for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19.
  • Watch for fever (100.4◦F), cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.
  • If possible, stay away from people you live with, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19.

Also, enable MassNotify on your cell phone to alert you about possible exposure.

City reviewing proof of vaccine requirements for local businesses: The Somerville Board of Health is reviewing an order to require all restaurants, fitness centers, and entertainment venues to require proof of vaccination to gain entry to those establishments. The Board is scheduled to vote on the matter on January 14. If passed, Somerville could be joining neighboring municipalities such as Boston, Cambridge, and Arlington in requiring proof of vaccination.

COVID remembrance ceremony postponed: Due to inclement weather, plans for a remembrance ceremony in Symphony Park to recognize those lost to this disease was postponed a second time. The ceremony will be moved to sometime in the spring.

City commits $9 million in ARPA funds: Somerville has put $7 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act funds into childcare assistance and $1 million each into rental assistance and a Universal Basic Income pilot project. Another $3 million is being considered for transit assistance. Full details here.

Transportation Assistance for Vaccination: If you are unable to access a COVID-19 vaccine due to transportation challenges, but otherwise are able to leave your home, please call 311 to get connected to transportation assistance.

Homebound vaccination/booster information: Individuals who are homebound are encouraged to schedule an in-home COVID-19 vaccine appointment through the state’s COVID-19 In-Home Vaccination Program. The program is open to all individuals who are homebound, ages 5 and up, and individuals seeking both initial or booster doses. To schedule an appointment, call the In-Home Vaccination Central Intake Line at (833) 983-0485. The Intake Line is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Representatives are available in both English and Spanish, and also have access to translators for over 100 languages. Due to high demand, the current estimated wait time for an in-home vaccination appointment is 4-6 weeks. 

Other city news and events:


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Persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (i.e., CART, ASL), written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures in order to access the programs, activities, and meetings of the City of Somerville should please contact Adrienne Pomeroy at 617-625-6600 x 2059 or ADA@somervillema.gov.

-City of Somerville


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