#NeighborsHelpingNeighbors – asking for donations

On December 13, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The last two years have been difficult on many, allowed us to see our system weaknesses and strive to do things better. I have always known that Ward 7 and Somerville residents are caring and generous of heart! Especially during the pandemic you displayed this as we gathered food, personal hygiene products, food gift cards and holiday gift cards for children.

I am organizing donations for our neighbors at Clarendon Hill Towers and Somerville Housing Authority residents at Clarendon/North St. and Mystic Housing. They have requested the following listed below.

The need:

85 – food gift cards either $20 or $25 from Market Basket or Stop & Shop.

100 – $15 gifts cards for youth under the age of 18 from Target, TJ Maxx.

Where/drop off:

51 Russell Road (located off Broadway, Teele Sq area, last house at the dead end road) – deposit in the mail slot for #51.

Other options: a) to deliver directly to or through online options to the management office at Clarendon Hill Towers email YAlvira@firsthartford.com attention Jessie, b) and/Somerville Housing Authority email me, Katjana@Katjana.org for details

Due: end of the day Sunday, December 19.

— Ward 7 City Councilor  Katjana Ballantyne


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