Assembly Square Neighborhood Plan update

On November 30, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
Public comments on the draft Assembly Square Neighborhood Plan are sought; the deadline has been extended to January 21, 2022
The Assembly Square neighborhood planning process will be unique. Where in other areas the challenge faced by Planning Staff has been to preserve and enhance the most desirable characteristics and potential of an existing neighborhood, here we will focus on realizing Assembly’s full promise as a Transformational Area. This neighborhood also requires that we assess and develop an infrastructure framework suited for the needs and pressures of what is becoming one of Somerville’s major new Regional Centers, an effort that will rest heavily on assessing the status of current infrastructure to ensure it provides support for expected new growth. Visit Assembly’s SomervilleByDesign page to learn more about the planning history of this area.

Use the public comment tool here , or email your comments to

You can view the presentation from the October 13 meeting by following this link, and read the recent Boston Globe article on this initiative by following this link.

They  have completed the virtual meeting series that lasted from November 30th through December 4, they thank all who attended! If you missed it, you can catch up by viewing the videos below and these presentation slides. You can also still provide feedback through the surveys at the bottom of this page.

Work-in-progress presentations from the meetings:

Informational videos created prior to the meetings:


Comments are closed.