Urban Axes has officially reopened

On September 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Great news: Urban Axes has officially reopened. You can book one of the following axe-periences online starting today at https://urbanaxes.com/boston/book-now

They we have a max cap of 24 customers at a time, they can have 4 groups of 6 (max) or people can book groups of 2 if they want. Unfortunately they are not allowed to resume their food and beverage options at this time.

• Small Group Booking: 90 minute axe throwing event for 4-6 people with safety and instruction from one of our Axeperts.
• Open Throwing: 1 hour of axe throwing for 2-6 people with safety and instruction from one of our Axeperts.
• League Practice: 1 hour of axe throwing for experienced, current league members for 1-4 people.

Safety has always been our #1 priority, and we are taking all necessary precautions to keep our guests and staff safe during our reopening. We will be operating at a max of 25% capacity and taking the following steps:

• Guests must maintain 6 feet from other guests outside of their throwing group.
• Employees will be wearing masks and will maintain six feet from guests and other employees.
• Hand sanitizer stations and social distancing floor reminders will be present throughout the building.
• They will sanitize the axe throwing common spaces, arenas and axes before your arrival and in between throwing sessions. Learn more at urbanaxes.com/covid19

Book now at https://urbanaxes.com/boston/book-now


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