Somerville students accepted into All-State Treble Chorus

On January 1, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Seventeen Somerville students were selected for the 2018 All-State Treble Chorus. Students in grades 4 through 6 are accepted through an audition process and will represent the best singers of their age group in the state. The concert, which takes place on March 3 at Boston’s Seaport Hotel, will be directed by Dr. Janet Galván, Director of Choral Activities at Ithaca College. Congratulations to the following Somerville Public Schools students.

Brown School: Samuel Richter (gr. 5), Isabela Membreno-Gomes (gr. 5), Serena Hunter Black (gr. 5), Madeline Zucca (gr. 5) Winter Hill Community Innovation School: Pavel Flores Santiagos (gr. 4), Gerteasha Morelus (gr. 4), Rayssa DeOliveira (gr. 6); East Somerville Community School: Sam Silverman (gr. 4), Maya Grandoit (gr. 4), Victoria Anastacio Sperandio (gr. 5); Argenziano School: Jake Fellinger (gr. 6), Catherine Kiely-Ilch (gr. 5), Cybele Miller (gr. 5), Rafael Ronen (gr. 5), Amelia Laguerre (gr. 4), Piper MacDonald (gr. 4), Anarghya Raibanshi (gr. 4).


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