somervillelogoWho can be a poll worker?

Any registered voter in Massachusetts can be considered for a poll worker position.

Will I work in my own precinct?

You must be willing and able to go to any precinct. We always try to place you in a precinct close to your home, or we may place you in your home precinct if there is a vacancy.

What will my duties be?

Poll workers identify the voters as eligible, assist voters when necessary, and ensure that the election laws of the state are followed.

Will I be guided?

Yes. All new workers are guided by the Precinct Warden on the duties of the day.

What are the hours?

You will report to the polling place by 6:30 a.m. and remain until after the polls close at 8 p.m. The voting precincts must be fully staffed for all primary, general, or special elections held in the Somerville.

How much will I be paid?

Wardens: $185
Clerks: $170
Inspectors: $135

How can I become a poll worker?

Call the Elections Department as 617-625-6600 x4200, or stop by room 009 at City Hall (93 Highland Ave.) for an application.



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