Somerville Police Crime Log January 11 – 16

On January 19, 2016, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


John Medeiros, of 10 Clayton Ave., Medford, January 11, 12:58 p.m., arrested at Bay State Ave. on warrant charges of operation of a motor vehicle with a suspended license, marked lanes violation, and speeding.

Atem Agok, January 11, 3:54 p.m., arrested at McGrath Hwy. on charges of trespassing and shoplifting by asportation.

Charles Cashman, January 12, 10:55 a.m., arrested at Bow St. on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Brigham Jaulin, of 31 Wilton St., January 13, 9:12 a.m., arrested at Bow St. on a warrant charge of assault with a dangerous weapon.

James Dogherty, of 80 Bow St., Medford, January 13, 3:44 p.m., arrested at Broadway on warrant charges of threat to commit a crime, assault and battery, assault to murder, attempted murder, vandalizing a war or veterans memorial, and assault with a dangerous weapon.

Milton Barahona, of 180 Cross St., Malden, January 14, 4:53 p.m., arrested at Grand Union Blvd. on charges of furnishing a false name or Social Security number and shoplifting by concealing merchandise, and on warrant charges of witness intimidation and assault and battery.

Kenny Lok, of 312 Billings Rd., Quincy, January 15, 4:29 p.m., arrested at Mystic Ave. on a charge of shoplifting over $100 by asportation.

Melissa Mercogliano, of 80 Edwards St., Medford, January 15, 6:33 p.m., arrested at McGrath Hwy. on a charge of shoplifting over $100 by asportation.

John MacInnes, of 5 Sherborn Ct., Medford, January 15, 6:33 p.m., arrested at McGrath Hwy. on a charge of shoplifting over $100 by asportation.

Christine Belcher, of 550 Ferry St., Everett, January 16, 4:20 a.m., arrested at River Rd. on warrant charges of refusal to provide sample for DNA database and assault and battery.

Francisco Patino, of 58 Ibbetson St., January 16, 12:16 p.m., arrested at Lowell St. on a charge of lewd, wanton and lascivious conduct.


3 Responses to “Somerville Police Crime Log January 11 – 16”

  1. Genie Geronimo says:

    I’m getting him a business card: Atem Agok, Asportationist

  2. Rumpleforeskin says:

    Atem Agok must either be the world’s most inept shoplifter or else he’s looking to get three hots and a cot through the winter season. So far it looks like he’s not getting them.

  3. Owen Deed says:

    There’s got to be a country song in there somewhere. 😛