No resolutions

On January 7, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

In 2020 we gave up so many things unwillingly that I’m not sure anybody made a real New Year’s resolution for 2021. We were forced into giving things up whether we wanted to or not. Mostly, our freedom.

If we were to make resolutions there are always the obvious ones such as giving up booze or cigarettes. But the granddaddy of all New Year’s resolutions is, of course is the old standby, “I’m going to stop eating junk and join a gym” (I quit my gym in March and have given them up indefinitely).

In the past, I usually lasted two weeks at the most anyway. One year, on the way home from the gym I stopped into Angelina’s sub shop and the rest is history. Instead of trying to lose those extra ten pounds, I’d do a Target fix. That’s when you go into a store and buy a pair of pants one size up. There are always shortcuts and loopholes.

2020 created some changes that we were forced into such as don’t leave the house without a mask, and don’t touch your face (try growing a beard and not itching your face!), socially distance, and wash your hands. Speaking of hands, I remember teaching both of my sons how to firmly shake someone’s hand. Today we can’t get close enough to anyone to shake hands. I’m pulling a Howie Mandel and doing fist pumps or better still just a wave. Touching a stranger? Yuck. I skeeve just walking near anyone, especially in a store.

So, since I didn’t make any resolutions for myself, I figured I’d make some for Somerville in general. And please keep in mind that I love this city madly!

First, please resolve to paint the outside of City Hall. I’ve included a photo of City Hall from 1910, which is, I believe, the last time it was painted.

Next, please resolve to finally repair the sidewalks in Cambria St. and Gorham St. Roots from trees has made it impassable for baby carriages and wheelchairs.

I’d also like joggers to resolve to not run TOWARDS traffic, especially in the rain or snow and at night.

Can all “bosses” (boy, do I hate that word) try being respectful of their employees? Intimidation in the workplace is rampant and disgraceful.

Next, please make some of the old bricks from the High School demolition available for us. In the old days I’d just go there at night and grab a few!

Another thing we learned in 2020 was to never talk politics with a friend or family member unless you don’t care about losing them.

A little common courtesy goes a long way, especially since so many are out of work, worrying about bills, or dealing with a sick family member. Try taking a deep breath before you roll that car window down and unleash a vulgar tirade on another motorist. I’m trying to do that.

One of the only good things that happened in 2020 was the heroic rescue of two of my dearest friends and their family. Thank God no one was seriously injured. Their house was destroyed but their lives were spared. If you want to know the true meaning of a hero, look no further that The Somerville Fire Department. By the way, you can provide some much-needed support by giving to the gofundme page set up for them at

So, 2020 is gone but not forgotten. The Covid-19 virus hit a few of my friends and even an immediate family member. All are recuperating and so far, so good. And since I didn’t really have a New Year’s resolution, I figured what the hell, maybe it’s time to start up a few old bad habits. So, I’ll stop at the Smoke Shop, pick up a pack of butts and hit Sligo in Davis Square. Nah … I’ll just have a cup of coffee and watch Leave It to Beaver. (Sligo is closed anyway!)


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